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WALTE alloy resistor product overview

WALTE alloy Resistors STE-C series are high performance resistors made of special alloy materials with good electrical properties and stability. The series of resistors includes 0805, 1206, 2010 and 2512 in a wide range of package sizes to meet the needs of different application scenarios.

华德合金电阻 STE-C系列满足不同应用场景的需求

WALTE alloy electrical model analysis

STE-C0805 and STE-C1206 series

STE-C: STE-C series of WALTE alloy resistors.

0805/1206: The package size of the resistor, 0805 indicates that the length is 2.0mm, the width is 1.25mm; 1206 indicates a length of 3.2mm and a width of 1.6mm.

** in models such as STE0805CW75R300F, C may stand for precision class or other characteristics, W75 for power class or WALTE specific identification, R300 for 300mΩ resistance, F** may be batch or specific information.

Similarly, the resistance of STE0805CW75R500F is 500mΩ, and other parameters are the same.

For STE1206C1W0R004F, STE1206C1W0R015F, STE1206C1W0R030F and STE1206C1W0R042F, their resistance values are 0.004Ω, 0.015Ω, 0.030Ω and 0.042Ω, respectively. Power levels and other characteristics may be indicated by C1W.

WALTE alloy electric STE-CSTE-C2010 and STE-C2512

2010/2512: The package size of the resistor, 2010 means that the length is 5.0mm and the width is 2.5mm; 2512 indicates that the length is 6.4mm and the width is 3.2mm.

Models such as STE2010C2W0R500F **, C2W may stand for accuracy and power class, R500 for resistance of 500mΩ, F** for batch or other information.

The resistance values of STE2512C2W0R008F to STE2512C2W0R040F are 0.008Ω, 0.010Ω, 0.020Ω, 0.027Ω, 0.030Ω, and 0.040Ω respectively. Other parameters may be the same.

Electrical properties of WALTE alloy

High precision resistance to ensure the stability and reliability of the circuit.

Excellent high temperature resistance, able to work in high temperature environment for a long time.

Good heat dissipation performance ensures resistance is not easily damaged under high power conditions.

Excellent weldability, easy to weld with the circuit board.

In line with RoHS standards, environmentally friendly.

WALTE alloy applications

Due to the high precision, high stability and good heat dissipation performance of the WALTE alloy resistor STE-C series, it is widely used in a variety of electronic devices, including but not limited to:

Power supply circuit: Used for current sampling and circuit protection of power modules.

Motor drive: In the motor drive circuit as a current detection resistor, real-time monitoring of motor current.

Automotive electronics: Used for current detection of various sensors and actuators in automotive electronic control systems.

Industrial automation: Used in industrial automation equipment for current detection and control.

Consumer electronics: In smart phones, tablets and other consumer electronic products for battery management, charge control and other circuits.


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