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WALTE, Taiwan brand electronic components enterprise, there are resistors, fuses, etc., of which WALTE micro fuse 2000 series 8.5x8.0 with its compact size and excellent performance, widely used in many devices, the following brief introduction of several selected models in this series, and detailed analysis of their key parameters, to help engineers make wise choices in circuit design.


WALTE miniature fuse part of the model introduction

The WALTE Micro Fuse 2000 Series 8.5x8.0 is available in a variety of models to meet different application needs. Here's a brief look at some of the selected models:

2000-T1A60V2T11192AM9G: This type of fuse has a current rating of 1A and a voltage rating of 60V, and is suitable for circuits requiring higher voltage protection.

2000-T2A00V2T11192AM9G: The rated current of this model is 2A and the rated voltage is 0V (the voltage value should be determined according to the specific circuit in actual use), suitable for low voltage and high current circuit protection.

2000-T3A15V2T11192AM9G: This fuse has a rated current of 3A and a rated voltage of 15V, suitable for circuit protection of medium voltage and current.

2000-T5A00V2T11192AM9G: The rated current of this model is 5A, which is also suitable for low voltage and high current scenarios, providing stronger overcurrent protection.

2000-T6A30V2T11192AM9G: This fuse is rated for 6A current and 30V voltage, suitable for high current and medium voltage circuit protection.

Detailed parameter analysis of WALTE micro fuse

Size: All models are available in a compact size of 8.5x8.0mm for easy layout and installation on the board.

Fuse characteristics: The WALTE micro fuse 2000 series uses fast fuse technology, which can quickly cut off the circuit in abnormal circumstances.

Breaking capacity: This series of fuses has a high breaking capacity to ensure that the circuit can be reliably cut off in extreme cases such as short circuits.


If you want a fast fuse selection, you can communicate with Shunhai technology personnel to provide you with a fuse solution.


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